Top 5 Cyber Threats Facing SMBs and How Cisco Meraki SD-WAN Counters Them

Team IPFone

Blog, SD-WAN

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) face an increasingly hostile cyber environment, with potential financial losses from cyberattacks reaching staggering amounts. A single data breach can cost an SMB hundreds of thousands of dollars, including direct costs like ransoms and fines, as well as indirect costs such as lost business, reputational damage, and legal fees. In particular, the loss of essential customer information can result in severe consequences, from loss of customer trust to potential lawsuits.

In this context, cyber threats that once targeted only large enterprises are now honing in on smaller organizations, which often lack the robust defenses of their larger counterparts. Here, we discuss the top five cyber threats facing SMBs and how Cisco Meraki SD-WAN can effectively counter these risks.

1. Ransomware

Ransomware remains one of the most formidable threats to SMBs. It involves malicious software that encrypts a company’s data, holding it hostage until a ransom is paid. SMBs are particularly vulnerable because they may not have extensive backup systems in place.

How Cisco Meraki SD-WAN Counters This Threat:

Cisco Meraki SD-WAN employs integrated security layers, including advanced firewall features and intrusion prevention systems (IPS). These tools help detect and block ransomware before it can infiltrate the network. Additionally, Meraki’s ability to segment networks ensures that if one part of the network is compromised, the ransomware cannot spread across the entire infrastructure, limiting damage and isolating threats.

2. Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks trick employees into revealing sensitive information, such as login credentials or financial information. These attacks are often the first step in more extensive intrusions, including ransomware.

How Cisco Meraki SD-WAN Counters This Threat:

Meraki SD-WAN includes comprehensive content filtering and anti-phishing tools that prevent users from accessing malicious websites and downloading harmful content. By blocking access to known phishing sites and scanning incoming emails for suspicious content, Meraki SD-WAN minimizes the risk of successful phishing attacks.

3. Credential Stuffing

Credential stuffing occurs when attackers use stolen username and password combinations from one breach to gain access to other systems. This method exploits the common practice of password reuse across different platforms.

How Cisco Meraki SD-WAN Counters This Threat:

Cisco Meraki SD-WAN supports multi-factor authentication (MFA) and identity-based policies, which ensure that even if credentials are compromised, unauthorized users cannot gain access without an additional layer of verification. Furthermore, Meraki’s cloud-managed dashboard provides real-time monitoring to detect unusual login attempts, enabling swift responses to potential credential stuffing attempts.

4. Misconfigurations and Unpatched Systems

Misconfigurations and outdated software are easy targets for attackers. These vulnerabilities can open the door to various forms of cyber attacks, including unauthorized access and data breaches.

How Cisco Meraki SD-WAN Counters This Threat:

Meraki SD-WAN’s cloud-based management platform ensures that all network devices are consistently updated with the latest security patches. Automated updates and centralized management reduce the likelihood of misconfigurations and ensure that systems are protected against known vulnerabilities.

5. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks

DDoS attacks overwhelm a network with traffic, causing systems to crash and become unavailable. For SMBs, such downtime can result in significant financial losses and damage to reputation.

How Cisco Meraki SD-WAN Counters This Threat:

Meraki SD-WAN provides built-in protections against DDoS attacks through its integrated security architecture. By distributing traffic loads across multiple paths and providing real-time traffic monitoring, Meraki SD-WAN helps maintain service availability even under attack. Additionally, traffic shaping and prioritization features ensure that critical business applications remain operational during high traffic volumes.

Cybersecurity is a top concern for SMBs, and the evolving landscape requires solutions that are both robust and easy to manage. Cisco Meraki SD-WAN offers comprehensive protection through its integrated security features, cloud-based management, and real-time monitoring. By adopting Meraki SD-WAN, SMBs can significantly reduce their vulnerability to these common cyber threats and ensure their networks remain secure and resilient.

For SMBs looking to bolster their cybersecurity defenses, Cisco Meraki SD-WAN presents an effective, scalable, and affordable solution. Learn more and book a demo here.